Photo Essay: Emory Motorsports Workshop
In the custom-Porsche world, Emory Motorsports is a household name. After growing up building cars with his dad, Rod Emory and his wife, Amy, founded the business in 1996 with a mission to build the ultimate customized Porsche 356s and to provide an incomparable customer experience. Since then, they have built more than 150 Porsche 356 and 911 Outlaws, each catered to the owner’s unique personal tastes and preferences. The result? Each Porsche Emory builds is restored to better-than-factory standards, from the frame to the mechanicals to the interior. As classic-car enthusiasts, we decided to pay a visit to Emory Motorsports’ LA-based workshop, where the man himself took us on a tour, showing us the projects they currently have in the works. Here, some photos from our visit. Warning: Extreme car envy may ensue.

Rod Emory in his workshop