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For the Restless
Los Angeles00:00 PST

AETHERmoto LA: Canyons of Malibu

What: AETHERmoto LA: Canyons of Malibu

When: Sunday, July 10. Meet at AETHERla at 8:30 a.m., kickstands up at 9 a.m.

Where: AETHERla, 161 S. La Brea, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Details: Please join us this Sunday for a scenic ride up to Malibu with Adam Gaspic of Gasser Customs. We'll meet at AETHERla at 8:30 a.m. for coffee and donuts and hit the road at 9 a.m. Please arrive with a full tank of gas.

Preview the route here, and be sure to RSVP on Facebook.