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For the Restless
Los Angeles00:00 PST

AETHER at Outside Lands 2018

A couple of weeks ago, we headed up the coast from our Los Angeles headquarters to San Francisco and Outside Lands Music Festival for the second year in a row. We brought the AETHERstream–our completely refurbished Airstream PanAmerica-turned-mobile store—to the VIP section of the festival in Golden Gate Park. Headliners included The Weeknd, Florence & The Machine, and the legendary Janet Jackson, in addition to countless other bands that played throughout the weekend on the fest's multiple stages. The AETHERstream was stocked with a curated selection of classic AETHER pieces as well as exclusive items from the F/W ’18 collection, which all proved to be much needed for San Francisco's notoriously unpredictable weather. Throughout the weekend, we asked everyone to share their bucket-list destination on the AETHERstream, and we got a myriad of answers, inspiring us to book more plane tickets. Here, some shots from our weekend at Outside Lands.

The Lands End Stage at night.