Our Story

For the Restless

Wrong turns make better stories.

Design first, adventure second, design third.

A community of like-minded adventurers.

We were movie producers who had become disillusioned with the direction the industry was going, and yet we knew we had more miles in us, as business partners, entrepreneurs, and friends. We decided to make an unlikely left turn, from moviemaking to the making of clothing, blissfully unaware of the obstacles we would encounter along a road we didn’t even know how to access in the beginning.
So perhaps it’s no surprise that we decided adventure would serve as AETHER’s North Star. We wanted to create a collection of pieces that catered to the life we want to live, one full of exploration and spontaneous journeys—one where routine is cast aside in favor of the unknown.
We’re thrilled to have you along for the ride.
–Palmer West & Jonah Smith, co-founders, AETHER